Python library for simulation of wheat phenological development, crop growth and yield.
- Ernesto Giron Echeverry (Independent Researcher,
Last updated: October 11, 2023
In [1]:
# Install library
#!pip install pywheat
# Install library
#!pip install pywheat
Load Libraries¶
In [1]:
import os, sys, gc
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# Load PyWheat library
import pywheat
import os, sys, gc
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# Load PyWheat library
import pywheat
PyWheat version 0.0.5
Load example dataset¶
In [2]:
from import load_dataset
# Load Kansas data
data = load_dataset()
from import load_dataset
# Load Kansas data
data = load_dataset()
Loading example weather dataset from Kansas State University (Wagger,M.G. 1983) stored in DSSAT v4.8.
0 | 1981-10-01 | 18.9 | 23.3 | 10.0 | 0.0 |
1 | 1981-10-02 | 18.2 | 22.2 | 5.6 | 0.0 |
2 | 1981-10-03 | 2.4 | 16.7 | 11.1 | 0.3 |
3 | 1981-10-04 | 13.8 | 26.1 | 12.8 | 34.0 |
4 | 1981-10-05 | 12.1 | 26.7 | 15.6 | 0.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
299 | 1982-07-27 | 19.9 | 31.7 | 22.2 | 0.0 |
300 | 1982-07-28 | 24.9 | 29.4 | 20.0 | 0.0 |
301 | 1982-07-29 | 20.9 | 30.0 | 16.7 | 0.0 |
302 | 1982-07-30 | 26.4 | 30.0 | 18.9 | 0.0 |
303 | 1982-07-31 | 26.5 | 33.3 | 14.4 | 0.0 |
304 rows × 5 columns
Setup initial parameters¶
In [3]:
# Initialization of variables
# Default variables are commented
params = dict(
sowing_date = "1981-10-16", # Sowing date in YYYY-MM-DD
latitude = 39.0, # Latitude of the site
#SDEPTH = 3.0, # Sowing depth in cm
GDDE = 6.2, # Growing degree days per cm seed depth required for emergence, GDD/cm
#DSGFT = 200, # GDD from End Ear Growth to Start Grain Filling period
VREQ = 505.0, # Vernalization required for max.development rate (VDays)
PHINT = 95.0, # Phyllochron. A good estimate for PHINT is 95 degree days. This value for PHINT is appropriate except for spring sown wheat in latitudes greater than 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south, in which cases a value for PHINT of 75 degree days is suggested.
P1V = 4.85, # development genetic coefficients, vernalization. 1 for spring type, 5 for winter type
P1D = 3.675, # development genetic coefficients, Photoperiod (1 - 6, low - high sensitive to day length)
#P5 = 500, # grain filling degree days eg. 500 degree-days. Old value was divided by 10.
#P6 = 250, # approximate the thermal time from physiological maturity to harvest
# Initialization of variables
# Default variables are commented
params = dict(
sowing_date = "1981-10-16", # Sowing date in YYYY-MM-DD
latitude = 39.0, # Latitude of the site
#SDEPTH = 3.0, # Sowing depth in cm
GDDE = 6.2, # Growing degree days per cm seed depth required for emergence, GDD/cm
#DSGFT = 200, # GDD from End Ear Growth to Start Grain Filling period
VREQ = 505.0, # Vernalization required for max.development rate (VDays)
PHINT = 95.0, # Phyllochron. A good estimate for PHINT is 95 degree days. This value for PHINT is appropriate except for spring sown wheat in latitudes greater than 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south, in which cases a value for PHINT of 75 degree days is suggested.
P1V = 4.85, # development genetic coefficients, vernalization. 1 for spring type, 5 for winter type
P1D = 3.675, # development genetic coefficients, Photoperiod (1 - 6, low - high sensitive to day length)
#P5 = 500, # grain filling degree days eg. 500 degree-days. Old value was divided by 10.
#P6 = 250, # approximate the thermal time from physiological maturity to harvest
Note: All the paramters above are given by default except for sowing_date
and latitude
Estimate Phenological stage¶
In [4]:
from pywheat.pheno import determine_phenology_stage
growstages = determine_phenology_stage(initparams=params, weather=data['Weather'], dispDates=True, verbose=False)
from pywheat.pheno import determine_phenology_stage
growstages = determine_phenology_stage(initparams=params, weather=data['Weather'], dispDates=True, verbose=False)
RSTG GROWTH STAGE DAP DOY CROP AGE SUMDTT DATE 7 Sowing 0 289 0 0 1981-10-16 8 Germinate 1 290 1 16.1 1981-10-17 9 Emergence 5 294 4 67.0 1981-10-21 1 Term Spklt 185 109 180 402.2 1982-04-19 2 End Veg 205 129 20 302.4 1982-05-09 3 End Ear Gr 215 139 10 200.5 1982-05-19 4 Beg Gr Fil 225 149 10 214.1 1982-05-29 5 End Gr Fil 250 174 25 515.4 1982-06-23 6 Harvest 260 184 10 259.0 1982-07-03 CPU times: user 956 ms, sys: 195 ms, total: 1.15 s Wall time: 779 ms
Compare results estimated with DSSAT v4.8¶
Data from: DSSAT v4.8
Documented in Wagger,M.G. 1983 Nitrogen cycling in the plan-soil system.
Ph.D. thesis, Kansas State Univ..Mike Wagger currently thought to be at
the Agronomy Dept,N.Carolina State Un
YEARDOY DOM MON DAP ............. kg/ha AREA NUMBER kg/ha % H2O N
1981289 16 Oct 0 7 Sowing 0 0.00 0.0 0 0.0 0.00 0.00
1981290 17 Oct 1 8 Germinate 0 0.00 0.0 0 0.0 0.00 0.00
1981294 21 Oct 5 9 Emergence 0 0.00 0.0 0 0.0 0.00 0.00
1982109 19 Apr 185 1 Term Spklt 1049 0.99 11.0 15 1.4 0.00 0.03
1982129 9 May 205 2 End Veg 2365 1.77 14.1 27 1.1 0.00 0.38
1982139 19 May 215 3 End Ear Gr 3540 1.56 14.1 31 0.9 0.00 0.13
1982149 29 May 225 4 Beg Gr Fil 5065 1.41 14.1 35 0.7 0.00 0.00
1982174 23 Jun 250 5 End Gr Fil 6660 0.34 14.1 57 0.9 0.00 0.52
1982174 23 Jun 250 6 Harvest 6660 0.34 14.1 57 0.9 0.00 0.98
In [6]:
istage_old | istage | desc | date | DOY | AGE | DAP | SUMDTT | |
7 | Sowing | Fallow | No crop present to Sowing | 1981-10-16 | 289 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | Germinate | Sowing | Sowing to Germination | 1981-10-17 | 290 | 1 | 1 | 16.1 |
9 | Emergence | Germinate | Emergence to End of Juvenile | 1981-10-21 | 294 | 4 | 5 | 67.0 |
1 | Term Spklt | Emergence | Emergence to End of Juvenile | 1982-04-19 | 109 | 180 | 185 | 402.2 |
2 | End Veg | End Juveni | End of Juvenile to End of Vegetative growth | 1982-05-09 | 129 | 20 | 205 | 302.4 |
3 | End Ear Gr | End Veg | End of Vegetative Growth to End of Ear Grow | 1982-05-19 | 139 | 10 | 215 | 200.5 |
4 | Beg Gr Fil | End Ear Gr | End of Ear Growth to Start of Grain Filling | 1982-05-29 | 149 | 10 | 225 | 214.1 |
5 | End Gr Fil | Beg Gr Fil | Start of Grain Filling to Maturity | 1982-06-23 | 174 | 25 | 250 | 515.4 |
6 | Harvest | Maturity | End Gr Fil | 1982-07-03 | 184 | 10 | 260 | 259.0 |
In [7]:
Signature: determine_phenology_stage( initparams=None, weather=None, dispDates=True, verbose=False, ) Docstring: Estimate Wheat phenological stages using CERES-Wheat model Parameters: params (dict): A dictionary with initial parameters weather (object): A table or dataframe with weather data for the site dispDates (bool): Display results in text format. Default is True verbose (bool): Display comments during the processes. Default is False Attributes: TT_TBASE (float): Base temperature for estimate Thermal time. Default 0.0 TT_TEMPERATURE_OPTIMUM (float): Thermal time optimum temperature. Default 26 TT_TEMPERATURE_MAXIMUM (float): Thermal time maximum temperature. Default 34 CIVIL_TWILIGHT (float): Sun angle with the horizon. eg. p = 6.0 : civil twilight. Default 0.0 HI (float): Hardiness Index. Default 0.0 SNOW (float): Snow fall. Default 0.0 SDEPTH (float): Sowing depth in cm. Default 3.0 cm GDDE (float): Growing degree days per cm seed depth required for emergence, Default 6.2 GDD/cm. DSGFT (float): GDD from End Ear Growth to Start Grain Filling period. Default 200 degree-days VREQ (float): Vernalization required for max.development rate (VDays). Default 505 degree-days PHINT (float): Phyllochron. A good estimate for PHINT is 95 degree days. This value for PHINT is appropriate except for spring sown wheat in latitudes greater than 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south, in which cases a value for PHINT of 75 degree days is suggested. Default 95.0 degree-days P1V (float): Development genetic coefficients, vernalization. 1 for spring type, 5 for winter type. Default 4.85 P1D (float): Development genetic coefficients, Photoperiod (1 - 6, low- high sensitive to day length). Default 3.675 P5 (float): Grain filling degree days. Old value was divided by 10. Default 500 degree-days. P6 (float): Approximate the thermal time from physiological maturity to harvest. Default 250. DAYS_GERMIMATION_LIMIT (float): Threshold for days to germination. Default 40 TT_EMERGENCE_LIMIT (float): Threshold for thermal time to emergence. Default 300 TT_TDU_LIMIT (float): Threshold for thermal development units (TDU). Default 400 Returns: growstages (dict): A dictionary with all phenological stages and addtional useful information File: ~/Desktop/PRJ2023/CROP_MODELING/pywheat-package/pywheat/pywheat/pheno/ Type: function
Draw phenological phases¶
In [5]:
# Using option dispFigPhenology=True
growstages = determine_phenology_stage(initparams=params, weather=data['Weather'],
dispDates=True, dispFigPhenology=True, verbose=False)
# Using option dispFigPhenology=True
growstages = determine_phenology_stage(initparams=params, weather=data['Weather'],
dispDates=True, dispFigPhenology=True, verbose=False)
RSTG GROWTH STAGE DAP DOY CROP AGE SUMDTT DATE 7 Sowing 0 289 0 0 1981-10-16 8 Germinate 1 290 1 16.1 1981-10-17 9 Emergence 5 294 4 67.0 1981-10-21 1 Term Spklt 185 109 180 402.2 1982-04-19 2 End Veg 205 129 20 302.4 1982-05-09 3 End Ear Gr 215 139 10 200.5 1982-05-19 4 Beg Gr Fil 225 149 10 214.1 1982-05-29 5 End Gr Fil 250 174 25 515.4 1982-06-23 6 Harvest 260 184 10 259.0 1982-07-03
In [6]:
# Loading Utils module to customise
from pywheat.utils import drawPhenology
drawPhenology(gs=growstages, title='Phenological growth phases of Wheat', dpi=300,
dispPlants=True, topDAPLabel=True, timeSpanLabel=True, topNameStageLabel=True,
topNameStageLabelOpt=True, copyrightLabel=True,
saveFig=True, showFig=True, path_to_save_results='/Users/ernestogiron/Downloads/',
fname='Fig_1_Phenological_Phases_Wheat_v2', fmt='jpg')
# Loading Utils module to customise
from pywheat.utils import drawPhenology
drawPhenology(gs=growstages, title='Phenological growth phases of Wheat', dpi=300,
dispPlants=True, topDAPLabel=True, timeSpanLabel=True, topNameStageLabel=True,
topNameStageLabelOpt=True, copyrightLabel=True,
saveFig=True, showFig=True, path_to_save_results='/Users/ernestogiron/Downloads/',
fname='Fig_1_Phenological_Phases_Wheat_v2', fmt='jpg')
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