Python library for simulation of wheat phenological development, crop growth and yield at large scales.
- Ernesto Giron Echeverry (Independent Researcher,
Last updated: October 16, 2023
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# Install library
#!pip install pywheat
# Install library
#!pip install pywheat
Load Libraries¶
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import os, sys, gc
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# Load PyWheat library
import pywheat
from import satellite
from pywheat.pheno import determine_phenology_stage
import os, sys, gc
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# Load PyWheat library
import pywheat
from import satellite
from pywheat.pheno import determine_phenology_stage
Load daily weather data from ERA5 using GEE¶
Using GEE allows you to extract weather data in an easy way from any point of the world.
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# Load GEE libraries and authenticate with your credentials
# Further info at
import ee
# Load GEE libraries and authenticate with your credentials
# Further info at
import ee
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# Using data from ERA5 and GEE
# Define the initial parameters for the site
sowing_date = '2019-01-28'
lng, lat = 83.45, 27.5
# Get daily weather data using PyWheat API
weather_data = satellite.getERA5(init_dates=[sowing_date], coords=[[lng,lat]],
agg='DAILY_AGGR', buffer=1, dispFig=True)
# re-format or rename columns to match with PyWheat structure
weather_data.rename(columns={'date':'DATE','Tmin':'TMIN', 'Tmax':'TMAX'}, inplace=True)
weather_data["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(weather_data["DATE"].astype(str), format='%Y-%m-%d')
weather_data = weather_data.sort_values(["DATE"]).reset_index(drop=True)
# Using data from ERA5 and GEE
# Define the initial parameters for the site
sowing_date = '2019-01-28'
lng, lat = 83.45, 27.5
# Get daily weather data using PyWheat API
weather_data = satellite.getERA5(init_dates=[sowing_date], coords=[[lng,lat]],
agg='DAILY_AGGR', buffer=1, dispFig=True)
# re-format or rename columns to match with PyWheat structure
weather_data.rename(columns={'date':'DATE','Tmin':'TMIN', 'Tmax':'TMAX'}, inplace=True)
weather_data["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(weather_data["DATE"].astype(str), format='%Y-%m-%d')
weather_data = weather_data.sort_values(["DATE"]).reset_index(drop=True)
Setup initial parameters¶
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# Initialization of variables
params = dict(
sowing_date = sowing_date, # Sowing date in YYYY-MM-DD
latitude = lat, # Latitude of the site
GDDE = 6.2, # Growing degree days per cm seed depth required for emergence, GDD/cm
VREQ = 505.0, # Vernalization required for max.development rate (VDays)
PHINT = 95.0, # Phyllochron. A good estimate for PHINT is 95 degree days. This value for PHINT is appropriate except for spring sown wheat in latitudes greater than 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south, in which cases a value for PHINT of 75 degree days is suggested.
P1V = 1.85, # development genetic coefficients, vernalization. 1 for spring type, 5 for winter type
P1D = 3.675, # development genetic coefficients, Photoperiod (1 - 6, low - high sensitive to day length)
# Initialization of variables
params = dict(
sowing_date = sowing_date, # Sowing date in YYYY-MM-DD
latitude = lat, # Latitude of the site
GDDE = 6.2, # Growing degree days per cm seed depth required for emergence, GDD/cm
VREQ = 505.0, # Vernalization required for max.development rate (VDays)
PHINT = 95.0, # Phyllochron. A good estimate for PHINT is 95 degree days. This value for PHINT is appropriate except for spring sown wheat in latitudes greater than 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south, in which cases a value for PHINT of 75 degree days is suggested.
P1V = 1.85, # development genetic coefficients, vernalization. 1 for spring type, 5 for winter type
P1D = 3.675, # development genetic coefficients, Photoperiod (1 - 6, low - high sensitive to day length)
Note: All the paramters above are given by default except for sowing_date
and latitude
Estimate Phenological stage¶
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growstages = determine_phenology_stage(initparams=params, weather=weather_data, dispDates=True, verbose=False)
growstages = determine_phenology_stage(initparams=params, weather=weather_data, dispDates=True, verbose=False)